Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Keeping it Simple" or "Small is an Oppotunity"

As we've been  getting ready to move to a new place, I set aside just the basic stuff to "get by" in the interim: one cupboard full of cooking & eating tools, a week's worth of clothing for each person, a few toys, and toiletries.  Kinda' like living out of a suitcase, but still in your house.  It's been great! My mind is freed of those million little thoughts that automatically come up just from walking through a room and my brain taking note of what's there, what needs to be done, what's out of place, etc.  I am more free to put more energy and focus into what I am really doing at the time; being more fully present to the moment.

This blog post from Passionate Homemaking from the other day is very topical for me. She focuses on how living in a smaller space with fewer things is 1. Less to Clean, 2. Less Chasing, 3. Less to Decorate, 4. Less to Maintain, 5. Less Space for Clutter.  Although I have no problem with a bigger space to live in, it's the stuff in it that can get to a person.  People often have a tendency to expand to fill their space, whatever it may be. 

When we get a more permanent home, I think I really want to take this to heart in a very real way; turn it into practice in my home.  Although I am not a pack-rat, I seem to get mentally and emotionally overwhelmed by the stuff we do have.   In the past, I have simply moved all of our stuff in and found a place for it.  I think I will make a list of what is essential for each room to function and move only those things into it, & go from there.  It's a good start, I think. 


  1. It's funny, because after last summer of living with my in-laws with our whole family in two rooms with each having one drawer to ourselves, and one box of toys, I realized that we need to minimize. When we arrive home I gave each child just one drawer. I still have not taken this principle to my closet, but I really need to with my former career attire. I have a closet full of clothes and only wear the same single pair of jeans each day. I definitely appreciate each summer at my inlaws. Things are definitely simplified....Although, I would not call you all over cluttered.

  2. *phew* I'm glad you don't think we're over-cluttered. It helped to have an outside opinion. :)
    It's amazing how a change in living situation, even just temporarily, can really help you to look at your own domestic surroundings with new eyes. I like the "refresher".
