As a fun exercise in knowing the
Four Temperaments better, I often wonder what a fictional character's temperament/s might be --
choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, or melancholic. The continually regenerating character of The Doctor is a great challenge because each incarnation presents a new expression of personality! He is a complex person who carries with him his past selves, which likewise complicates our simple analysis, (as well the fact that the common "tells" we can assume
based on body type do not apply here). Even so, I think it might be possible to guess which temperament is dominant in each incarnation/regeneration.
Here in this pic are my best guesses, but as you can see two are not identified! What do you think they are? Do you think some have been wrongly pegged? Do tell me! Help me fill in the gaps.
July 2017 EDIT: It will be so exciting to see how the thirteenth doctor is portrayed! and see what temperament type she is.
Fall 2018 edit: I think she's super sanguine :)
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