Now that we are settled, we have some very real options! and our path seems to be really opening up, opportunities presented, and people showing up at just the right times. It has always been the case in my life that when I move in the direction I am meant to, things just work out. This has been the case this summer, so I'm going to run with it!
I am looking forward to a new normal this year. Something that works better, meets needs, calms anxiety, and is well supported. I can't do it on my own.
For a while Christopherus served us very well. It was flexible in just the ways I needed. It set a really good grades foundation, and I liked what was there. I needed to revisit what I needed in our lives, and what would make it possible for me to get me kiddos what they need. After re-looking at the comparison of possible homeschool curricula, I asked God for help. *boom* and *poof* the path was presented to me. Financially we were cut a break, support came pouring in, and schedule options started making themselves present.

We will be doing Waldorf Essentials for our graders (2nd and 4th), and I will be following the simple Wee Folk seasonal guides for the littles until I can get homelife a bit more on-track to do W.E. with them as well. I got the lifetime membership, called the Thinking, Wiling, Feeling program, which includes all the curricula materials for all the grades, a support community, and one-on-one assistance from the creator of W.E. For life!
This is just what I needed. After so many health difficulties and hardships, I really needed someone else to walk me through getting-my-act-in-order. Melissa, the creator, understands this having recovered from her own health challenges. A person must work within their limitations to make something functional,. She has helped me understand where I can cut some corners, and which items are the most important to focus on and keep intact in terms of child development and nourishing, and which others I can change a bit to suit my own abilities & needs.
Importantly, she has homeschooled five children of varying ages. She understands what a busy homelife can be. what it means to recover from pregnancy and life events, and how to juggle so that it really is possible to school the bigsters with the little still around.
These weeks before the school year starts in September I am going through a guided planning process. The heavy burden is lifted, and now I can concern myself with that actually needs doing instead of stressing unnecessarily.
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