Monday, December 2, 2013

Learning About Wild Plants

I really like plants, herbs, gardening, and the knowledge of these wonderful gifts of creation that do so much for us! 


Wild Food Girl is extremely knowledgeable about non-cultivated plants all around us that are useful, edible, and how to harvest and prepare them.  She has created a monthly publication called The Wild Edible Notebook.It is a real quality ezine that is detailed with many pages, color pictures, and several different readable and printable formats to download.  This is very exciting to me -- it's a kind of lost knowledge that the plants all around us are there to provide for our needs of food and medicine, of beauty and life.

I am really looking forward to adding this to our homeschool explorations!  This in addition to the Herb Fairies books and supplemental info are going to make for some plant savvy kiddos!

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